How It Works
Family-friendly velvet rope treatment
A Membership-based approach
Membership of KD Private Chefs will provide you with access to our full private chef services, as well as culinary and wellness professionals. Each of our members are carefully and thoughtfully matched with a number of private chefs from our team who work on a rotating basis to ensure you are always enjoying variety and special flavors.
We work closely with our members to create a personalized program, integrating food and lifestyle choices designed specifically for each individual and family. We do everything we can to create a convenient and comfortable experience for our members and their family.

Membership includes:
- Access to our Private Chef, Home Market Shopping and Pantry Purge services
- 24/7 access to our Private Chef Concierge
- Digital access to your family’s food, dietary and nutritional files
- Customized family food journals
- Progress check-ins
- Monthly newsletter
- Access to KD Private Chefs recipe box
Learning about you
We begin with an in-person initial consultation where we collect information related to family habits, styles, restrictions and health information that will be used to develop a customized meal plan for home and office.
Food goals
We guide you in creating short-term and long-term goals as they relate to your family food plans, i.e. achieving weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, reducing processed foods and addressing food allergies.
Personalized menu planning
We work closely with chefs to review specific meal planning for each family to ensure all goals are met and continually developed.
Meals plans and needs
We find out what your nutritional needs are including meal preferences, daily or weekly schedule and the style of service needed each day. Our plans are flexible and adjusted according to your busy lifestyle.
Personal Concierge
To ensure all family’s needs are met, we provide a 24/7 tool for members to change schedules, cancel appointments, add guests to scheduled meals, or access client questions.
Family Food Journal and progress
Our chefs monitor and record all selected meals, snacks and chef-made foods to help calculate better dietary plans with the ability to collect important nutritional data. This process also allow chefs to review all families’ meals to better understand taste preferences and allows chefs to better coordinate menu planning. Our quarterly progress exercise allows families to see how their goals are progressing, as well as give us insight into how we can guarantee the best possible services and goal results.
What We Do
We provide a unique personalized private chef service, creating healthy and delicious homemade meals and plans especially for you.
See our servicesOur Philosophy
We believe in beautiful food made from quality ingredients, developed with an understanding of an individual’s wellbeing, needs and tastes.
Read our philosophyMEMBERSHIP
Let us take care of everything you need to make sure your eating is in tune with your wellbeing and lifestyle goals.
Join today